Temple of Flora


FR Temple of Flora
FR Aude Meunier-Rochon
FR Boris Dumesnil-Poulin
Date de création
FR Enregistrement et première publication en 2016.
FR Français
Boris Dumesnil-Poulin
collectif oscarindiaromeo
FR Le site présente des photos de l'auteur au jardin botanique et de spécimens qu'on y trouve. En-dessous, une description de l'oeuvre et un dossier contenant des fichiers audio. Ceux-ci servent de trame sonore et narrative à celles et ceux qui veulent suivre le parcours de l'auteur au Jardin botanique de Montréal, trajet illustré par une carte au bas de l'écran.
Jardin botanique de Montréal. L’observation de la flore. Le lien entre l’artiste et les fleurs, la flore qu’il voit et qu’il décrit. Description des textures, des odeurs, immersion dans le jardin. L’artiste raconte aussi, en même temps, l’histoire d’un magicien qui se promène dans la jungle et qui tente de se transformer en fleur.
FR « Download them and put them on your audio device.

If the device is one made by Apple, you can do this via iTunes. Simply download the files and import them in iTunes, using the dropdown menu File, then clicking on Add to Library. You can then select them in iTunes and slide them in your plugged-in iPod, iPhone or iPad, by click-and-dragging them to the left of the iTunes window. If you have a device that is not iTunes-compatible, please refer to your device’s manual for the actual procedure. This usually involves plugging your device into your computer, which makes the device appear as a disk on screen, and from there you can drag the files into the disk for your own enjoyment. If you have any problems loading the files on your device, please write to me and I will assist you in the best way I can. If you have succeeded in putting the files on your audio device, make sure they work and then head to the Botanical Garden!

Temple of Flora is meant to be experienced on-site, at Montreal's Botanical Garden.

The botanical garden is on the corner of Pie-IX and Sherbrooke E, just north of the Pie-IX metro station.If you’re going by metro, the Pie-IX station is on the Green line. If going on foot, by bicycle or by car, be careful, the easiest way in is through the side entrance, on Sherbrooke east of Pie-IX. The entrance hall is located across the parking lot, near the greenhouse complex.

Please note : If you're in a remote area, out of the contry or on the moon for what I know, please DO listen to the piece still, as I have discovered that it works quite well in other contexts as well! »
FR « audio walk » et « soundtrack »
Site web
Carte géographique
Jardin botanique
Principe d'organisation
FR All rights reserved 1987-2016 © Boris Dumesnil-Poulin
Extraits de l'œuvre
FR « We were a group of magicians. Hundred year span in a cricle. Making rocks airborn with our power, we built a temple with the stones. »
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