Show Me A Map of the Sun


Show Me A Map of the Sun
Jason E. Lewis
Date de création
Est une partie de
Fait partie du triptyque « Things You've Said Before But We Never Heard » avec les oeuvres « Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better) » et « An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness ». Fait partie du cycle P.o.E.M.M.
An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness
Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better)
I'm going to show you a map of the sun.
The coordinates are sketchy, and the scale some
what erratic
but I think you'll find it useful for finding bubble guns
and that funny red juice used to seal knee scratches.

I'm going to show you the map of the sun.
My man Mister Pocket had hidden it away ten thousand
and nine years ago, so the light couldn't find it
couldn't find it no matter how hard it looked. And it looks
crazy, doesn' it? Crazy light. No wonder it never found the sun, much less the map.
You have to want to see it or you'll just be seeing something else.

I'm going to show you how to map the sun,
which sunspots are worth recording, which ones are fickle
and dishonest, which ones fail the twin tests of persistence of vision and conservation of momentum. Some hide when you come looking,
some double-up to fool the probes.
On the dark side skate two who keep me up at night
with their whispers brushing against each earlobe.

Can I grab your ear? Ahhhh. That's better.
Description de l'oeuvre
« Prints: The poem forms the central panel of the large-scale print + touchscreen triptych Things You've Said Before But We Never Heard. The left-hand panel of the triptych is a 5’ x 13’ digital text-image called An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness, and the right-hand panel is a 60" x 168" digital text-image called Show Me A Map of the Sun, both made with Mr. Softie. »
Source de la description
Modalité procédurale
Principe d'organisation
Personne ayant créé la fiche
Alicia Chabot

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Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better) Ressource interactive
An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness Ressource interactive