An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness


An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness
Jason E. Lewis
Date de création
Est une partie de
Fait partie du triptyque « Things You've Said Before But We Never Heard » avec les oeuvres « Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better) » et « Show Me A Map of the Sun ». Fait partie du cycle P.o.E.M.M.
Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better)
Show Me A Map of the Sun
« Two Kidney Murphy's talking rubbish
to any who'll listen. Nobody will. I'm not sure what
he's saying, he's standing in the mid-distance
and everything not proximate
and everything not remote
is muffled by the suspended sea spray
that keeps not-falling on this early morning Thursday.

In the great hollow solid between my forehead and the sun
cavort great herds of proctors, gamboling with my future,
taking odds that I won't make it out of bed, that I won't
find the ol' No. 2 in time, that short-term never became interim
never became long-term. I want memories, really, I do, I want them
to keep me company and to keep me safe and to get me moving
right now. Snap-focus.

I could do without everything being so proximate, I little bit
more remoteness, please, some spooky action at a distance
to pry some space out of the air in front of my face. It's not
that I want to hear Murphy, I don't, but suspended with him
are my brother's coat (what? a brother?) and an old pair
of tongs left by my last landlord, the last lord to grant me
a boon. I can't get to the middle-distance, I can't get back home,
I can't get the car working, I can't leave well enough alone. »
Description de l'oeuvre
« Prints: The poem forms the central panel of the large-scale print + touchscreen triptych Things You've Said Before But We Never Heard. The left-hand panel of the triptych is a 5’ x 13’ digital text-image called An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness, and the right-hand panel is a 60" x 168" digital text-image called Show Me A Map of the Sun, both made with Mr. Softie. »

« An Abrupt Hardening of Awareness » et « Show Me A Map of the Sun » ont été faits avec le logiciel Mr. Softie.
Source de la description
Modalité procédurale
Principe d'organisation
Éditeur de texte
Logiciel Mr. Softie.
Personne ayant créé la fiche
Alicia Chabot

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Est une partie de
Titre Libellé alternatif Classe
Know (Buzz Aldrin Doesn’t Know Any Better) Ressource interactive
Show Me A Map of the Sun Ressource interactive